Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Umayyad Dome Of The Rock Analysis Religion Essay Example

The Umayyad Dome Of The Rock Analysis Religion Essay The Umayyad Dome of the Rock is one of the cardinal plant of Islamic architecture. At this point, it is deserving adverting the fact that the Umayyad Dome of the Rock is celebrated work of art and architecture, which had a figure of inexplicit significances among which it is possible to individual out political deductions and correlativities to Biblical Bibles. In add-on, the Umayyad Dome of the Rock reveals the impact of external factors, including the impact of Christianity and Judaism on the architecture of the dome. In this respect, it is deserving adverting the fact that, historically, Islam and Judaism were closely intertwined, although Islam had appeared centuries ago since the visual aspect of Judaism and Christianity. In this respect, it is deserving adverting the fact that many specializers ( Cowling, 2005 ) position Judaism as one of the major monotheistic faith, which became the precursor of such universe faiths as Christianity and Islam. In fact, the outgrowth of Islam w as the development of the new faith, which though had a batch of similarities to Judaism and Christianity. In such a context, the similarity between Islam, Christianity and Judaism can be viewed as the consequence of the historical interaction between these faiths. In this respect, it is deserving adverting the fact that the development of Islam was closely intertwined with Judaism and Christianity because representatives of these faiths have interacted since ancient clip. Even though Islam emerged in the 7th century AD, the population converted to Islam had an extended experience of interaction with Judaist, whereas Jews ever lived in Muslim states. In such a manner, the interaction between Islam, Christianity and Judaism was determined by the historical development of both faiths and it was grounded on the vicinity of both civilizations. In such a context, the inexplicit significance of the Umayyad Dome of the Rock reveals non merely concealed Islamic context and significance but besides it reveals the influence of Christianity and Judaism on Islam. At first glimpse the Umayyad Dome of the Rock is the manifestation of the traditional Islamic architecture. In this respect, it is deserving adverting the fact that the Umayyad Dome of the Rock was built in Jerusalem, the metropolis, which was sacred for Muslims every bit good as representatives of other mainstream faiths in the part, such as Judaism and Christianity. At this point, it is of import to put accent on the fact that the sanctity of Jerusalem was, after all, inherited by Islam from Judaism and Christianity ( Rabbat, 14 ) . Therefore, the building of the Umayyad Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem was an of import determination and, in all chance, it was determined by the importance of edifice in the political and spiritual context. In fact, the building of the Umayyad Dome of the Rock was the effort to demo the power of Islam and its domination in the Holy City Jerusalem. We will write a custom essay sample on The Umayyad Dome Of The Rock Analysis Religion specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Umayyad Dome Of The Rock Analysis Religion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Umayyad Dome Of The Rock Analysis Religion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer On the other manus, specializers point out that the Dome of the Rock has no instantly discernable intent or map other than the commemorating 1, and even that is riddled with uncertainnesss ( Rabbat, 12 ) . However, such uncertainness refering the intent of the building of the Umayyad Dome of the Rock is caused by the assortment of deductions refering the significance of the edifice and its intents. In other words, the diverseness of positions on the Umayyad Dome of the Rock leads to the outgrowth of legion readings of the significance of the edifice. At this point, it is deserving adverting the fact that the Umayyad Dome of the Rock represents the manifestation of the Islamic architecture. On the other manus, specializers point out that it is necessary to see the Dome as a memorial which used Biblical intensions and Christian-Byzantine signifiers to enforce Islam s presence in the Holy City. The combination would connote that the new religion considered itself the continuance and the seal of the two predating 1s: Hebraism and Christianity ( Rabbat, 12-13 ) . Such a decision derives from the monumental architecture and the location of the edifice. At this point, it is deserving adverting the fact that the Umayyad Dome of the Rock has incorporated elements of Biblical texts and Bibles. Hence, the Umayyad Dome of the Rock reveals the close links of Islam with other faiths, such as Christianity and Judaism. The similar tendencies between faiths can be traced by similarities of their spiritual constructs and thoughts. For case, Christianity, Islam and Judaism are monotheistic. In this respect, Judaism was one of the first monotheistic faiths, whereas Islam is one of the latest universe faiths, which had gained the public blessing and support of many trusters. Christianity, Judaism and Islam acknowledge one God merely, although each faith has its ain God. In add-on, similarities can be traced in sacred texts and books of Judaism and Islam. At this point, it is deserving adverting the fact that Islam and Judaism have similarities in sacred texts because their sacred texts are interrelated. To set it more exactly, they frequently refer to similar or indistinguishable events in the history and spiritual life of Jews and Muslims. As a consequence, they focus on similar events but the reading of these events every bit good as their inside informations may differ depending on the faith. Hence, the elements of Biblical texts and Christian and Judaist constructs can be traced in the Umayyad Dome of the Rock. At the same clip, it is possible to presuppose that the Biblical elements in the Umayyad Dome of the Rock can be determined by the effort of designers to demo the power of Islam and its high quality in respect to other faiths. In such a manner, the Umayyad Dome of the Rock could typify the high quality of Islam because it showed that all Biblical texts and sacred texts of Christianity and Judaism were incorporated in the Umayyad Dome of the Rock that implies their subordination to Islam. In add-on, specializers ( Rabbat, 15 ) point out the political deductions of the Umayyad Dome of the Rock. What is meant here is the fact that the Umayyad Dome of the Rock could be constructed to the show the power of the opinion dynasty. To set it more exactly, the opinion dynasty efforts to demo its regard to God and faith. In such a context, the building of the Umayyad Dome of the Rock was the manifestation of the effort of the governing dynasty to go forth its hint in history of Islam and to demo its power. At the same clip, the building of the Umayyad Dome of the Rock implied that the opinion dynasty is ageless because its regulation will last every bit long as the Umayyad Dome of the Rock bases. In such a context, the Umayyad Dome of the Rock has a symbolic political significance. In add-on, the edifice was constructed in Jerusalem, which was non merely the spiritual centre but besides the topic of heat political battle. For case, Crusades ever aimed at the invasion of Jerusale m, whereas Muslims ever attempted to continue the metropolis as the Holy City of Islam. Therefore, taking into history all above mentioned, it is of import to put accent on the fact that the Umayyad Dome of the Rock had multiple significances and deductions. In this respect, it is possible to individual out the spiritual, political and cultural deductions of the building of the Umayyad Dome of the Rock. The chief point of the building of the Umayyad Dome of the Rock was to demo the high quality of Islam and Islamic civilization over others and to demo the power of the governing dynasty under which the Umayyad Dome of the Rock was constructed. In such a manner, the Umayyad Dome of the Rock became a symbol of Islam in Jerusalem.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Hippie Movement essays

Hippie Movement essays The 1960s brought once again, another war. The Hippie Peace Movement was now in full force, and a new culture of peace and love was now being encouraged. With a war being fought in South East Asia, young people in the United States were being drafted into a war they did not wish to fight. Many of them fled to Canada, where a similar peace movement grew and gained Support. The 1960s were seen as an immoral time, both for teenagers, and for governments. With an unjust war being fought, and the immoral behaviour of sex, drugs and lust being used by people all over the continent, the 1960s were by far one of the most controversial times this century. The controversy extended itself beyond the family life, and the society which expected its children to lead moral lives, join the army, was now coming under threat from the Government, and from the children themselves. The Hippie Peace Movement brought a message that said it was okay for people to do drugs, have sex and disobey their government, in an act of defiance against war. Though, drugs, sex and disobedience may not have been encouraged, the message came loud and clear, and the people the message was reaching out to, were acting upon it. That very hippie peace movement, lasted throughout the 60s and today we look back on it as an act of pacifism, maybe not in the most ethically moral sense, but the affects of anti-war that were brought up 40 years ago are still very strong today. The hippie movement affects us in the way that disobedience to ones government, may put an end to a war, but the means of this very disobedience may challenge the morals of your society, and culture. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Concept development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Concept development - Research Paper Example I work in the ICU, where I am responsible for critically ill patients. Specifically, I am in charge of those who need artificial ventilation. I am to ensure the patients get better, and not contracting more diseases in the course of their admission in the ICU. One of the most dangerous risks that ICU patients on artificial air are exposed to is the Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP). Its prevention involves a 5-steps process, called the VAP bundle. Of the five steps, interruption of the sedation to introduce extubation to the patient is the most critical step, also called, â€Å"weaning from mechanical ventilation.† Previously, the physicians attending to patients in critical situations attempted to reduce the length of time of mechanical ventilation by manipulating ventilator modes and gradually decreasing the ventilator support. Nonetheless, research today has shown that sedation can have a bigger impact on the length of time of mechanical ventilation, and other patient o utcomes than can manipulating ventilator modes (Eber, Laximinarayan, Perencevich, Malani, 2010). Patients respond differently to sedation, depending on their ability to cope. One major incidence that comes to my mind when sedation is mentioned is one I experienced with a post renal transplant patient, who was admitted to the ICU for 12 hours’ observation. ... After successful surgery, the patient was put on mechanical ventilation and later sedated so that she does not fight the mechanical ventilation equipment. After she stabilized, the weaning process from mechanical ventilation took effect. This is in accordance with the VAP bundle protocol of preventing the occurrence of VAP. On receiving the physician’s order, I adhered by holding the sedation to assess if the patient was ready for extubation. However, after successful extubation, the patient grew violent. She felt this was a mean act as it dehumanized her. My attempts to explain the importance of the process were not welcome by the patient, as she could not understand. The Phenomenon of Interest The phenomenon of interest related to my story and her first action after weaning her from mechanical ventilator, is best described as â€Å"Waking up to breath.† This was termed during a discussion with my colleagues while doing our assignment for statistics course. We stopped for a while and discussed our concept development. Thus, each one of us presented her story and then we helped each other the come up with a concept. The phenomenon exhibits the high level of patient’s anxiety. Theoretical Lens for Viewing the Phenomenon The theoretical lens used to view this phenomenon shapes the meaning of this phenomenon. The phenomenon in this research is ‘waking up to breath,† which is accompanied with patient anxiety. This describes reactions of patient after she was weaned from the mechanical ventilator. She reacted rather violently. Various theories can be used to bring this phenomenon into perspective. However, I choose to choose one of the middle range theories. The theory of self-efficacy is one that will bring a deeper meaning and understanding to this phenomenon. In